BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( is the largest independent provider of free adult movies and one of the major portals of pornographic videos, webcam models, pornographic photographs, encyclopaedia of porn stars, and incorporates social networking features. BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( serves as a pornographic media aggregator. Video clips from professional videos are mixed with amateur and other types of content. BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( is Web 2.0 (or Porn 2.0) site, which differs from many other pornographic websites in that it is completely free to use and only ad-supported. Since launching in April 2008, it grew to become the one of the most popular pornographic website on the internet. As of September 2019, it was the 800st most popular website overall and the eighth most popular pornographic website in the world and held an Alexa ranking within the world's top 800 sites. Now, BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( is one of the biggest independent, not affiliated to any network, pornographic video site.

At BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( you can find very good converting adult content traffic. That means traffic that has come from good organic sources with users that want to be on our website. We focused on quality of traffic not quantity. We did a good job with SEO and page optimization. That is why we have now very high quality traffic with high visit duration time (average 7min 29sec), high rate of page view per visit (average 8.8), low bounce rate (23%) and high CTRs for your ads. All our adult traffic come from good organic sources, mostly from search engines as Google (81%), Bing (3,5%), Yahoo (2,1%). A lot of traffic is also from social media like Reddit (8,4%) and others. We do not buy traffic from any low quality sources and we turn off a lot of unprofitable for advertisers geos.

Cooperation proposal

We invite you to cooperation regarding displaying of ads on the portal. As we are not affiliated to any network, we can offer very flexible conditions of cooperation and the most attractive price offer on the market. We currently have on offer the following ad units:

Desktop Ad Units:

#NameMax sizePlacement
1PopunderWhole screenOn websites start
2Video Pre-Roll VASTPlayer sizeMovie subpage
3Index Page Banner300 x 250Main site on top right
4In-Player Banner300 x 250Movie subpage
5Sidebar NTV-A Banner300 x 250Movie subpage, top right
6Sidebar NTV-B Banner300 x 250Movie subpage, top right
7Sidebar NTV-C Banner300 x 250Movie subpage, top right
8Footer1200 x 250Bottom, above copyright
9Native Ads5x2 ThumbsBottom, above copyright
10Live Cam Native5x2 ThumbsBottom, above copyright
11Top Menu TabButtonTop in navigation menu
12Top Menu Tab 2ButtonTop in navigation menu
13Under video880 x 90pxMovie subpage

Mobile Ad Units:

#NameMax sizePlacement
1Popunderwhole screenOn websites start
2FooterMax 250px highEvery page
3HeaderMax 100px highEvery page
4Video Pre-Roll VASTPlayer sizeMovie subpage
5IMset individualBottom right


We offer our advertising partners very attractive terms of cooperation:

  • Partner always has first right of refusal
  • If the ordered amount of traffic is not delivered, we will refund the overpayment or traffic in the upcoming month (as preferred by the partner)
  • High-quality traffic, mainly from Google Search and from the loyal visitors (not via pop-up/pop-under from other sites)
  • Users spending over 8 minutes on the site and generating 8 clicks (visiting 8 subpages)
  • Fast adserver uploading ads in the blink of an eye
  • IT team support
  • Traffic accounting according to the statistics of a partner

Cooperation with BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( rules

Cooperation with us is very flexible, we are able to adapt to the needs of the advertising partners. However, we follow several rigid rules of cooperation, such as:

  • The minimum emission period is 1 month
  • We cooperate only on a fix/flat rate basis
  • Settlements are based on an invoice with a payment deadline of 7 days from the start of emission
  • We do not perform geotargeting. The partner orders 100% of the traffic from a particular ad unit

How to start deal with BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM (

Ad units are available at once. If you are interested, please provide a SPECIFIC message which contains:

  • The ad unit you are interested in
  • The period for how long you want to purchase the ad unit
  • The proposed CPM rate for 100% of traffic from a particular ad unit

We hope that we can enter the next year as strong and reliable partners. If you have any question, please contact us,

Robin - BOKEP.PEMERSATUFUN.COM ( - Advertisement

E-mail: [email protected]
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